last night was the annual couples christmas dinner that my parents host. it was wonderful. their house was decked out with the most stunning decor you have ever beheld. the food, well, it was amazing. we ate till our little hearts content and then enjoyed a nail biting white elephant exchange. things got totally heated. i mean, it was intense. the gifts that were the hottest were micka and justin's teeth whitening kit, and jaNae's bubble necklace. and not just any bubble necklace...a emerald green bubble necklace! i knowwww. anyways, it was fun despite the fact that the gifts daniel and i brought were so bad that the recipients actually gave them back to us at the end of the night.
the couples dinner is adults only except for the littlest grandkids who cant quite leave mommy and daddy for that long. and thank goodness for that! what would we do without mila and henry?
meet mila may....
{micka's youngest of her six beauties}
she loves fashion, mom, and pina coladas.
mila's skirt, boots, and vest were all handmade by mom. tutorials to come later.
this is henry of course, after a long days work, the suspenders come down.
micka's headpiece. hand made. tutorial also coming later... get ready to be amazed.

mila has the "boots with the fur" she wears with style and grace.
also, can we talk about this fur vest for one second. i die. its the cutest thing i have ever seen.
make one for me too, ok micka?
and this is henry listening to uncle sam sing, he starred at him for the whole 'im dreaming of a white christmas" song.
she plays hard to get... and it totally works.
Yes! Give me more!! Tutorials!